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Bibko Readymix Recycling Systems

Bibko Comtec

Bibko Comtec

Recovery of material, sand and gravel, from residual Readymix and Re-use of recycling water.

Water is added to the truckmixer to clean the drum and is then fed together with the residual Readymix into the feeding hopper of the BIBKO machine. Sand and gravel are recovered in the recycling machine.


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Bibko RWS

Bibko RWS

The machinery is designed to wash the entire residual concrete in such a way that sand and gravel - free from cement - will be available for recovery. In effect, cement sludge water and residual concrete come from the following three places:

  • Residual concrete returned by the truck mixers
  • Wash water from cleaning the truck mixer
  • Residual concrete and wash water from the concrete mixing plant


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